
The coach is one of the most influential individuals in our society. It has been said that a coach will influence more people in one year than most people will in a lifetime. FCA seeks to equip and encourage coaches to grow in their faith and become transformational in how they coach their athletes and influence other coaches.

Coaches Huddle


An FCA Coaches Huddle is a small group Bible study for coaches who coach teams at all levels on campuses and in community club/travel sports. A Coaches Huddle can consist of a coaching staff or be made up of coaches from various teams. A Coaches Huddle can be led by a coach or another adult serving as the Bible study leader. 


The best answer to this question is “wherever works best for the coaches involved.”  Coaches Huddles meet in a variety of locations, including rooms/offices on campus, restaurants/coffee shops, homes, etc.  


The best answer to this question is “whenever works best for the coaches involved.” Many times, the Coaches Huddles on campus meet in the morning before school starts. Other Coaches Huddles will meet once a week at a pre-determined time (morning, noon or night) and location in the community chosen by the coaches.


If you are interested in being part of a coaches huddle or starting one, please contact our area director, Kirk Shepard at or 931-797-5260.

Coaches Camp

A coach’s team is like a family, with almost as much time spent at practices and games as at home.

But at Fellowship of Christian Athletes’ Coaches Camps each summer, coaches can put the focus solely back on their families during a special time together. And better yet, the entire family can be refreshed and rejuvenated, all while glorifying God and growing in their faith.

Coaches Camps challenge coaches in their faith and family life, and these camps allow coaches to be refreshed spiritually, relationally, and professionally. Coaches Camps are for both single and married coaches and their families. They are designed to minister, equip, and encourage. Special times can be set aside for husbands and wives as well. FCA Camps minister to coaches through Bible studies, small groups, fellowship, prayer support, discipleship, and mentoring.

Many coaching families plan their summer vacations around FCA Camps, and an added benefit is that coaches and their spouses can interact with others who are in similar life stages and have parallel experiences and challenges. Another regular occurrence at Coaches Camps is that attendees realize they are not alone—that other coaching families have the same struggles they do. Guest speakers address various issues, such as marriage, parenting, finances, and faith.

Coaches and Spouses Retreats

As coaches, you love what you do, but it’s DRAINING… not just to you but to your spouse, also. Sometimes you both just need to take a little time to recharge. An FCA Coaches & Spouses Retreat allows you to recharge, as you and your spouse take a weekend to reconnect! You can spend time while having fun at a round table with some other awesome coaching couples; have a date-night dinner alone or with friends; enjoy live worship music; hear stories from actual coaches and their spouses; and listen to world-class teaching from our presenters.

Tennessee FCA holds two Coaches and Spouses Weekend Retreats each year. One in the fall and the other in late winter.  These are timed so that if one interferes with your coaching season the other one won’t.

Information on the next Coaches and Spouses Retreat and a registration link will be posted as soon as it is available.

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FCA Coaches Academy
Our training framework helps coaches to become more transformational in the lives of their players by learning to coach in all three dimensions (physical, emotional, spiritual) from a faith-based perspective.
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