Ways to Serve

We want to thank you for your interest in partnering with the FCA ministry in our area!  FCA volunteers play a vital role in moving the ministry forward on campus and in the community. There are several ways that you can serve alongside our local FCA staff.  Check out the information below to get more information!


Do you have a passion for discipleship? Do you have a passion for area school sports?

Local middle schools and high schools need character coaches to encourage, disciple, and LOVE their sports teams. In this role, you have the opportunity to mentor and spiritually lead young people in your community!

The first step is to complete FCA's Ministry Leader Application (MLA). You can complete this by clicking on the Ministry Leader Application (MLA) button further down the page.

Below is a list of guidelines for prospective character coaches to consider. Should you have questions, please contact Kirk Shepard at kshepard@fca.org or 931-797-5260. Thank you in advance for your interest in serving with FCA!

FCA Character Coach Responsibilities:

Pray for your coaches and players on a regular basis.
Schedule the best time and location of an FCA chapel with the Head Coach.
Connect and communicate with your Head Coach on a weekly basis.
Communicate with the local FCA Staff at least 1-2 times/month (phone, email, text).
Prepare and present a weekly brief (7 to 10 minutes) FCA character talk or lesson to the team with the following guidelines:

Be Bible-based/Christ-centered
Be Focused
Be Simple
Be Brief
Be Positive
Be Flexible
Be Personal/Real/Transparent
Be Teachable

FCA Character Coach Resources: 
The following links contain 20 character talks or lessons that revolve around a specific character trait. There is also a link to download all the character talks at one time and another link to download The Four (a gospel presentation). These lessons are powerful resources and can be used as guides for an FCA Character Coach. 

 Volunteer for Events

Our local FCA has several special events that we do every year besides the weekly meetings on campus or on the field. These events cannot be done without the help of people like you behind the scenes who volunteer their time and effort to help bring the Gospel message to our community!

Please check out the events tab at the top of the page to see which events stir your passion. Then, contact our area director, Kirk Shepard, at kshepard@fca.org or 931-797-5260.

Leadership Board

What is it?

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes Leadership Board is a volunteer group of leaders in a community or region who love Jesus Christ, who care about coaches and athletes, and who recognize the incredible platform that athletics provides to impact their community for Jesus Christ. They willingly invest their time, influence, effort, expertise, and finances to see that happen and encourage others to join in the effort.

What the Leadership Board Does:

In a broad definition, the role of the Leadership Board is to work with the FCA director and staff to encourage, support, oversee and expand the work of FCA in their region. Leadership Boards have no legal responsibility or authority. Their primary function is to provide local leadership in implementing the already established vision, mission, and programs of FCA within ministry policies and guidelines.

The longevity, stability, and leadership of an area FCA ministry rests in the hands of a healthy, involved local Leadership Board. Their steady guidance, support, encouragement, and involvement on the local level creates a strong foundation to build and sustain a ministry over decades.

This is a cooperative effort between the FCA staff and the Leadership Board. The FCA staff cannot get the job done on their own and the Board cannot get it done alone. They need each other, one empowering the other.

If you think you might be interested in serving on our local board, please contact our area director Kirk Shepard at 931-797-5260 or kshepard@fca.org.

Ministry Leader Application (MLA)

If you are interested in helping in one of FCA’s ministries, please make your involvement “official” and complete the online Ministry Leader Application (MLA) form below. This is REQUIRED for all adult volunteers working directly with students and requested for those who wish to be on the Leadership Board. The process takes about 20 minutes and helps us keep the students entrusted to us safe!

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