What is it?
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes Leadership Board is a volunteer group of leaders in a community or region who love Jesus Christ, who care about coaches and athletes, and who recognize the incredible platform that athletics provides to impact their community for Jesus Christ. They willingly invest their time, influence, effort, expertise, and finances to see that happen and encourage others to join in the effort.
What the Leadership Board Does
In a broad definition, the role of the Leadership Board is to work with the FCA director and staff to
encourage, support, oversee and expand the work of FCA in their region. Leadership Boards have no legal
responsibility or authority. Their primary function is to provide local leadership in implementing the already
established vision, mission, and programs of FCA within ministry policies and guidelines.
The longevity, stability, and leadership of an area FCA ministry rests in the hands of a healthy, involved
local Leadership Board. Their steady guidance, support, encouragement, and involvement on the local level
creates a strong foundation to build and sustain a ministry over decades.
This is a cooperative effort between the FCA staff and the Leadership Board. The FCA staff cannot get the
job done on their own and the Board cannot get it done alone. They need each other, one empowering
the other.
If you think you might be interested in serving on our local board, please contact our board chairman George Vrailas at 931-580-4669
or thewayrocks1@gmail.com, or our area director Kirk Shepard at 931-797-5260
or kshepard@fca.org.